Oranjemarkt Veldhoven in pictures

As a visitor to the Oranjemarkt Veldhoven, you agree that photographs will be taken on behalf of the organisation which may be published as atmospheric images on the website www.oranjemarktveldhoven.nl and in marketing communications of the Oranjemarkt Veldhoven. The images will not be used/offered commercially. If you see yourself being photographed, but would rather not appear in images on our website, please let the photographer know. Should you prefer a published photo to be removed from our website, please contact the board, your request will be taken into account. No rights can be derived.

 Atmosphere photos 2024

During this anniversary edition, we once again could count on the photographers of Fotogroep Veldhoven. They took some great photos, which we can share with everyone here. Check out the albums of 5 members of the Fotogroep Veldhoven, an album of hobby photographer Jerry Immers and the album of Ivo Gijsbers, board member (and much more) of Oranjemarkt Veldhoven. Enjoy after a successful King’s Day in Veldhoven and (re)experience the atmosphere with these beautiful pictures.

Thank you to all photographers for your contributions and we hope to see you on Saturday 26 April 2025!

Atmospere photos 2023

You might have already discovered them via our Facebook page…the photos of Fotogroep Veldhoven. You don’t have Facebook? No worries. Here you can enjoy the beautiful pictures of a successful King’s Day in Veldhoven.

We would like to thank the photographers once again for capturing the atmosphere, the connection, the enjoyment and the various attractions. And Hans Schellen, thank you for arranging it. Looking forward to 2024!

Atmosphere photos 2019

These are photos from the Oranjemarkt Veldhoven 2019. We wish you much viewing pleasure. The photos were taken by a number of volunteers and members of Fotogroep Veldhoven once again. Thank you for the beautiful atmospheric pictures. We hope to complement these images during the Oranjemarkt 2022.
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